
Showing posts from September, 2017

Editing and why i like it

Changing speeds - I like this because it can add tension to a scene. This could be used for the genre of action. I could improve my clips for this next time by trying to do slow motion. Cropping an image - I like this because it can hide parts of an image if you don't want the audience to see it. This could be used for the genre crime as you can hide hints. Fading/ dissolving - I like this because it creates a fun side towards a scene. This could be used for the genre comedy as it's simple and easy way to cut into the next scene. Reverse clips - I like this because it's easy to use and creates a really good effect. This could for the genre of dramas as it's a good tool to use flashbacks with. Desaturation - I like this because it's a way of  getting rid of most high contrasted colours. This could be used for the genre of horror because it can create a scary tone. Layering or overlaying - I don't like this because it can ruin the mood of a scene and can

Editing technique - The killing and stranger things

Stranger things: 19.02     J-cut 19.20     Cross cutting 20.12     Smash cut The Killing: 4.08     J-cut 4.10     Jump cut 5.47     Cross cutting

Opening sequence- Now you see me

How it's used to create genre? 4 editing techniques: Which theory it follows: Invisible cut - Used to smoothly transition into the next scene. Smash cut - Cuts to another scene. J - cut - Sound of next scene precedes the picture. Cross cutting - Two actions happening in the same place. This opening scene follows the Equilibrium theory because as the audience we know that it will get sorted in the end.


What went well: The text is easy to read. Even better if: I didn't have the flash on. What went well: It looks effective with the lipstick. Even better if: There was a better background. What went well: It looks secretive Even better if: The font was bigger

Baby driver opening stills

1) Positioning - This is used to construct sub-genre because they are all placed in a line, this causes them to look like the they are on a mission. 2) Props - This is used to construct sub-genre because the glasses makes the driver look intense and he might be working as a spy. 3) Expression- This is used to construct sub-genre because you can se all the expressions on their faces and you can see everyone who is in the car. 4) Setting - This is used to construct sub-genre because you can see the police cars in the mirror but you can also see what's ahead of them and you can see that they are in a city. 5) Lighting - This is used to construct sub-genre because the shot is taken from a birds eye view and the light is very bright so you can see everything.

Mise-En-Scene - creating genre

  1) Crime thriller- A detective is searching for clues. We chose to take this photo in this setting as it looks like a place where something bad would happen and you have to search for the clues. 2) Psychological thriller - A young man is being followed. We chose to take this photo because the long dark corridor looks like if the person turns around somebody will be behind them. 3) Action thriller - Kidnapped girl being held in captivity. We chose to take this photo because the shed could have the girl hiding inside and the shed looks rustic.

shot type homework

   1) This image is a mid shot. This image is effective because it shows all of the surroundings. This picture could be used in a thriller because her facial expression looks worried and nervous. 2) This image is a close up. This image is effective because it creates tension and all the light focuses on the leg. This picture could be used in an adventure genre as it looks like she is walking. 3) This image is taken as a high angle. This image is effective because you can see what she's holding. This could be used in a murder mystery as the high angle makes it tense.    

Shot types



 This photo fits the genre of being sci-fi. This is because the camera focuses on the bark of the tree creating it to be mysterious but focuses out on all other objects so your eye is mainly drawn to the tree. Next time if I were to do this I would make sure the setting fits in better with the photo as in the background you can see cars. This photo fits the genre of being horror. This is because the camera zooms in and looks up the bark of the tree and the light peering through creates this to be horror. If I were to do this again I would take the photo in a darker light, this is because this would make sure that it looks scary. This photo fits the genre of being a spy. This is because the camera is an over the shoulder shot which creates it to look like the person is looking at something or spying on somebody. If I were to do this again I would focus on the person and make sure there was a better background. This photo fits the genre of romance. This is shown because the t


Lighting The lighting creates the representation of Horror. This is because the shadows in the background create the face to have shadows under the eyes, nose and eyebrows. The lighting creates the representation of beauty. This is because the lighting makes the face illuminate where it's places at an angle where the light just focuses on his face. The lighting creates the representation of sci-fi. This is because the lighting creates shadows in the places where your eyes tend to be drawn too. The lighting creates the representation of mystery. This because the camera lighting only focuses on his left side so his means the right hand side will be placed in shadows, which causes mystery. The lighting creates the representation of a side view. This is because the camera is put to the side which only highlights and illuminates one side of the person's face but also leaves a shadow in the background. This creates the representation of the behin