Influencing audiences

Evening of TV from 6pm to 10pm.

1) 21 year old male who is a uni student at Oxford University reading maths.

6-6:30pm - Eggheads
6:30-7pm - ITV evening news
7-8pm - Shakespeare uncovered
8-9pm - QI XL
9-10pm - Law and order

I chose these 5 different programmes for this 21 year old Oxford student because he is at an outstanding university and one where you have to be extremely smart to get into and he's also reading maths so the programmes i have chosen are quite intellectual. The demographics is Aspires because he seeks status and is smart. He is also part of the B group because he is middle management, teachers, creative and media people. Because he is classed in a high class he tends to be in more of a higher group and his age and gender is  21 and a male.

2) 16 year old black girl who is currently school refusing and has no GCSE's.

6-6:30pm - The Simpsons
6:30-7pm - Hollyoaks
7-7:30 - Fresh prince of bel air
7:30-8pm - Eastenders
8-9pm - Dance moms
9-10pm - Educating greater manchester

I chose these 6 different programmes for this 16 year old black girl who doesn't have any GCSE's because these programmes you don't really have to think about what you're watching and they're calm but suitable for a 16 year old reluctant to go to school. the demographics classes as  is classed as a strugglers because she seeks escape and is quite alienated. She is also part of the E group because she is unemployed. Her age and gender is a female and is 16 years of age.

3) 35 year old Muslim woman who is a stay at home mum. She moved from Iran at the age of 21 and left school at 16.

6-7pm - The chase
7-8pm - You've been framed
8-9 - The big family cooking showdown
9-10pm - Russia with Simon Reeve

4) 45 year old Asian woman who is doctor in the local hospital. She has children.

6-6:30pm - Modern family
6:30-7pm - The Simpsons
7-7:30pm - The one show
7:30-8pm - Eastenders
8-9pm - Emmerdale
9-10pm - A league of their own


  1. I really don't understand the hype for this movie. I know del Toro makes some odd movies, but I did like Pan's Labyrinth and The Orphanage, so I went into this one without reading any reviews or knowing much about it but expecting something decent as a way to spend 2 hours of my life.
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    Wrong! -The dialogue in this movie is just choppy and facetious. The most cringeworthy conversation to me was between Hoyt and the ugly bad dude. Fragmented threats like "I will take you out of this universe" just don't do it for me. Absolutely illogical and nonsensical script. It seems like they said every line in the movie thinking that it was deep and had an impact and was super important... but nothing was really needed for this movie.

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    It could've been filmed without speaking at all and the stupid story still would have come across. -I just didn't feel the relationship/love between the annoyingly mousy lead lady and the fish dude. She got on my damn nerves, really. So she brought the semi-sentient creature some boiled eggs that she made while she fapped in her bathtub (awkward and unnecessary). watch Avengers Infinity War 2018 online free

    And meanwhile the entire f*cking building is on camera, but they never see her repeatedly sneaking in his sealed off room to feed him and even play music and dance for him?!?! serious cringe-fest right there. -the black lady Zelda ran her mouth all the time but yet everyone stepped all over her, including the lead (Sally I think? I'm trying hard to forget this stupid movie).


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